Thursday, September 2, 2010

big changes

everyone said it would happen. it's true, they grow up so fast! before I know it, she won't be a baby anymore!

no more nursing. this is bittersweet.

we graduated to the big tub. she didn't like it so much. it might have something to do with the fact that she's sitting in a big yellow duck... that actually quacks!

day 1- she started out a little weary, then quickly began to panic

day 2- she cried the whole bath!

we decided to not use the big yellow duck anymore.

we just got this gate. she stands on it, shakes it,
and yells until i come get her.
she's funny!


  1. YAAAAAAY!!! You did it Bek, I'm so excited! I seriously feel like I've been so caught up in my kids and Wilson that I don't get to see Lucy very much and see all the cute little things she does, so what a great way for us see this sweet little prinicess! Your blog is DAAAAARRRRRLLLING!!!! Love you!!

  2. This has just made my day. I love Lucy. (funny of me). But seriously, you should probably have a million more of her. I don't see what the issue is with a quacking duck tub. I would bathe a lot more if i had one of my own.

  3. so, i didn't know you had a blog..i guess it's new :)

  4. I just stumbled on your blog and I am so excited you have one! Now I can look at pictures of your darling family and baby!!
    Keep updating!!
